Friday, March 10, 2017

Compositional Studies Contiued

Bacterial Growth #4, acrylic on canvas, copyright Nina Leung, 2017

  And I've kept at it! As I'm continuing this series, I keep going back to my Grandmother Rosemary. So many of her compositions involved circles. She loved circles and organic shapes and I am compelled to explore the circle in particular. What was it about the circle that captivated her so much? I have one clue....

Bacterial Growth #5, acrylic on canvas, copyright Nina Leung, 2017

 She often told me the story by Vasari about the Pope who was searching for an artist to give a commission. He sent emissaries all over Italy to find artists and collect drawings to show the Pope. After collecting many beautiful renderings by the greatest Renaissance artists, an emissary finally went to Giotto and asked for a drawing. Giotto simply took a paint-filled brush and drew a perfect circle, handed it to the emissary and said that was more than enough. The emissary was perplexed, but took the drawing to the Pope who understood that this perfect circle, done without a compass, showed a high level of skill. Giotto won the commission.

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